Boss Trading—Action & Feedback-Powered Trading Advancement

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How to Win By Trading Against Weaker, Less Skilled Traders

Trading works on a ranking system. The best traders outrank all other traders, which is why they make the lion's share of profits.

As soon as you start working on trading like a professional (see the skills of a professional trader) the sooner the number of traders you can compete with who are less skilled than you increases. And if you can't nail as many trades as you'd like, then you are not far enough along the development path; it's as simple as that.

But as long as a trader outranks plenty of other traders, then there are trades up for grabs. But note, depending on how far along the path you are, you might be sharing profits with a high number of other traders that are at least equally ranked with you, diluting the profits available.

Want more of the bigger payouts and less of the diluted payouts? Move further along the path.

The further along the trading path you travel, those you outrank increases, while at the same time, the less diluted the share in profits become. A trader's income journey is non-linear for the reasons just mentioned.

Let me show you. The 2 minute clip below from Monday's live trading illustrates taking the other side of traders not so far down the path.