Hot knife through butter trades. Knowing when to trade aggressivley

The move up in $AUD last two weeks has been nothing short of incredible, and I'm grateful the culmination of bespoke analysis and screen time trading aligned with the move.

However I know traders struggle with recognising when to put on size and trade aggressively versus adopting a more defensive mindset.

So, when are the conditions right?

Well, the simple answer is it's all determined out of actual trading hours. But even during real-time trading, the market still needs to show you behaviours supporting where you've identified it's time to put your foot down.

Seeing is understanding, they say, so here's trading from the last day of the month to illustrate. What you'll notice is there's plenty of joining of the dots. The market does communicate everything a trader needs to know before pulling the trading trigger. It just so happens its language requires skill to comprehend.

Adam Fiske